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Let’s be honest, life has a funny way of controlling our next move. And traditionally, we have been hard-wired to expect things to happen in a specific order:

Go to school, get a job, get married, have kids, yada yada! You get the idea.

But maybe, perhaps, you want to shake things up a bit and experience a change of scenery, new beginnings, or travel the world!

I know I did (and still do!) love to travel and experience new and exciting things!

Being able to travel while also maintaining a successful career has been one of my greatest desires in life, but it can be scary to drop everything you are used to and take that leap of faith.

So, having the financial freedom to do so can definitely help to make your decision to pack up and go that much easier. That’s why I want to share some travel tips on how to make a living, or earn some extra income, while you are on the road.

Woman Pointing to Map

Airbnb Your Home:

If you have some big travel plans coming up and are planning to be away for weeks or even months at a time, you can sign up to be a host on Airbnb and rent out your home, apartment, or private room. And the best part: you can charge exactly what you want!

Everything can be done online, and you have full control over your house rules, so what you say goes. Airbnb also offers 1-million USD in property damage protection, so no need to worry if your stuff is going to be okay while you’re gone because you are covered.

The platform makes it very easy to get set up , so put your mind at ease knowing that your rent or mortgage can be covered while you are away. Plus it’s free to join! Once guests check in, Airbnb electronically deposits the money straight away via PayPal, direct deposit, or a handful of other options. Pretty neat, huh?

Sell Stock Photos:

Part of the beauty of traveling is that you get to experience the kinds of places you have always dreamed of. You are going to be visiting new attractions and snapping photos all along the way. So why not share that beauty and sell photos of your travels on an online stock photography site?

There are numerous stock photography platforms out there, but keep in mind, there is a quality standard, so a good camera goes a long way. Not only do you get to have an incredible photo documentary of your travels, but you also get to make a little extra money at the same time.

Write For Travel Sites:

Are you a writer? Matador Network is a go-to destination for all things travel, and they have a Creators’ Community where you can get paid to write articles.

You can check out their current leads here , including compensation rates, which is around $50 per article depending on the length. Land a few of these per week and that’s some great extra spending money during your travels.

Start A Blog:

In addition to photographing your travels, you may also consider documenting your new jet-setter life in the form of a personal blog. Starting a blog is a fantastic way to make more money, but remember, it’s going to take some time to start generating traffic. Placing ads on your blog is the most common way bloggers make their money, and Google AdSense makes it easy to set up.

Using AdSense is an excellent option for a travel blog in particular because Google makes sure the right kind of ads are showing up for the type of content you are creating. And when visitors to your blog click on the ads, you make money on those clicks!

The key here is to be consistent with your content to build up credibility in the space; that way, you become a reliable source for travel content. Soon, advertisers will be contacting you to place their ads on your site, putting even more money in your pocket. And over time, having a blog will be an amazing way to turn your nomadic lifestyle into financial abundance.


The great thing about freelance work is that you get to work on projects by the hour or day for various organizations as opposed to the permanency of a full-time or office job. is a great online platform for freelancers to offer their skills.

There’s everything from graphic design, to writing, to animation. As a seller on Fiverr , you keep around 80% of each transaction, earning you anywhere from $5 - $995 per gig, and it’s free to join. Freelancing is a great way to keep up on your passion projects and creative endeavors from anywhere in the world.

Teach English:

Teaching English as a foreign language is yet another great way to make a living while you travel. Sites like Transitions Abroad and Dave’s ESL Cafe are great for finding English teaching jobs.

The first step is taking a Teaching English as a Foreign Language certification course , which most jobs require before you can begin. After that, you can expect to earn a pretty decent salary - that’s several thousand dollars per month depending on the country and demand.

And don’t forget, there are tons of other languages people want to learn, not just English, so be sure to keep that in mind too if you are bi/multi-lingual.

And before you pack up and jet, I strongly recommend you watch these 3 free Mind Movies to help you reprogram your relationship with money, allowing you to attract the kind of abundance you desire.

I guarantee you will enjoy them! ;-)

And once you’re packed, check out these other travel hacks to make your journey an absolute breeze.

Bon Voyage!

wealth mind movies

Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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