Click here to claim your free ticket to Healing With The Masters right now
and find out why Mark Nepo is one Oprah’s favorite guests. <~ Last chance!
“…there are no wrong turns, only unexpected paths.” ~ Mark Nepo
I recently stumbled across this video from Mark Nepo on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday and I just knew I had to share it with you.
Especially the part where he reveals why ‘no experience in life is wasted’… it’s such an incredible insight!
Mark is a poet, author, spiritual teacher and also a cancer survivor; and what he learned about life and death during those years of struggle, is truly powerful.
But what’s most exciting is that he’ll be one of the amazing speakers at Healing With The Masters transformational event, along with Wayne Dyer, and other world-renowned master healers like Mary Morrissey.
This is truly a one-of-a-kind opportunity to interact with extraordinary people who’ve created miraculous shifts in their lives and who now want to share their wisdom with you.
If you haven’t registered for this event yet and you’d like to move yourself into a state of grace and wholeness…
Then hurry and claim your free ticket to Healing With The Masters right now! <~ Time is running out!
Remember that video series we did a couple of months ago where we shared the raw truth about how Glen and I got started with Mind Movies?
Back then, when we first started, I wish we had an additional resource like this to support us along the way.
This live event is YOUR chance to really understand who you are, how to really heal, and what is TRULY possible in all areas of your life.
Don’t miss out on the chance to interact LIVE with Mark Nepo and Wayne Dyer… claim your FREE ticket here ASAP , as this incredible opportunity will end really soon.
Oh and when you attend the event, be sure to share your experience with me on my Facebook page … I know it will be a powerful story of change and I’d love to hear about it. :)