If you haven’t already heard, I’ve just recently launched a new podcast called Not Over, Just Different , and I couldn’t be more thrilled about it! It’s a podcast geared toward women of a respectable age facing life’s next new chapter. And as a woman, now of a respectable age, I know all about facing those new chapters in life. :-) But if you fall outside of that category, I promise there is also something in it for you too.
The inspiration behind this new venture came from wanting to really open up on the subjects we may not normally talk about. No matter where we find ourselves in life, or in our personal development journeys, I knew my mission was to provide guidance on some of the topics we’re all facing. Everything from aging gracefully, to our well-being, to relationships, establishing a safe space for guests to be unfiltered and open up was extremely important to me.
I also knew that I didn’t want the primary focus of this podcast to necessarily be about the Law of Attraction because we already do that with Mind Movies. I wanted to really use this opportunity to have the candid conversations, that we sometimes dread, with the most awe-inspiring guests. And using this podcast as a platform has shown to be an incredible way to do just that. I like to think of it as the listener gets a chance to sit in on candid and raw conversations I have with my friends, experts, and incredible leaders.
Every Monday, we launch a brand new episode, covering a different subject each week. And I must say, we kicked off the launch with some really awesome topics –
Episode #01: Because You Are Worthy, with Sheri Salata
Formerly with the Oprah Winfrey Network, I chat with my girlfriend, Sheri Salata about what it really means to feel and be worthy. Remember we’re talking about the new and next chapters in life, so we really get a chance to dive deep into the radical self-care we all need in order to design the kind of lives we want, especially after career.
Episode #02: Win The Money Game with Krisstina Wise
This episode is all about money and how it’s not just currency, but really an applied skill you can use to achieve financial freedom. As a real-estate mogul and wealth expert, my guest, Krisstina Wise, shows us exactly how to win the money game.
Episode #03: Talking Sex, Sex, Sex, with Roylin Downs
Sexual empowerment coach, Roylin Downs, is talking all about sex after a certain age and how it’s up to us as women to start taking the wheel on our own sex drive. We get into some very exciting conversations around taking responsibility for our own pleasure… because we deserve it!
Episode #04: Subconscious Weight Loss Blockers with Brittany Watkins
Emotional eating, food cravings, and body image. This very necessary episode is all about weight loss, and specifically the subconscious weight loss blockers we may be unaware of. Brittany talks about finding that magic formula for success when it comes to well-being and optimal health.
So as you can see, we started our 2020 podcasts off with a bang because we’re talking about it ALL, and so much more! You see, having this platform to get candid and deep with leading experts, many of whom happen to be some of my closest friends, has truly opened the doors on vulnerability. Not only am I able to learn more about the topics we tend to shy away from but I get to share them with all of you.
One of my favorites has been:
Episode #06: Just One Of The Girls with Melanie Benson, Cindy Ertman, Susan Leahy, and Zhena Muzyka.
This was a really fun one, as I sat down with four of my closest girlfriends and talked all about female friendships – how to navigate them and why they are so important especially in new chapters of life. These four women are not only all talented business owners but truly know what it means to empower women to step up and be their best selves. If you can relate at all to navigating relationships, divorce, loneliness, etc., then you’ll definitely get a lot out of this episode.
Obviously, a big part of my life is Mind Movies and I’m so grateful to share with an incredible community of people seeking growth in their lives. But what makes Not Over, Just Different so special, is that I get to peel back another, slightly different , layer of myself and open the doors on the kind of conversations we normally have in private or with close friends and family members. You get to hear and learn from the intimate conversations I’m already having with the people I look to for guidance. And to be honest, I’m so happy I get to share that part of me now.
And the thing is, if you’re wondering how to tackle life’s new chapter, no matter what age, I’d highly recommend having a listen. Although the nature of this podcast is geared toward a certain group, you don’t have to be a woman of a respectable age to get something out of these conversations. I’ve had numerous male friends and even women in their thirties provide me with incredible feedback and useful takeaways. So there’s something in it for everyone!
And I really feel that it’s time we start to unite, especially as women, breaking down all of the female-made divisions we have set, and using this platform has been a fantastic way to do just that. We all have guilt. We all have shame. But to think we’re the only ones suffering is completely bogus. So when we can open up the channels of communication, we really start to connect and collaborate more with our fellow goddesses.
If you’re ready to join me and my guests on some of the most captivating and inspiring conversations, then it might be time to add Not Over, Just Different to your list of new podcasts this year – trust me, it’s going to be one of your favorites. So get out your phone and be sure to download and subscribe, as it’s available for both IOS and Android devices . And if you really like what you hear, don’t forget to leave a review sharing your thoughts! I can’t wait to hear what you think!
To life’s new chapter,