

Louise is a Family Relationship Coach helping women who are full of hurt & sadness, suffering from painful relationships with their partner, parents or children, learn to love themselves and form loving relationships with others. She does this without having to engage in one conversation with the person who is hurting them.

Having totally healed a lifelong destructive relationship with her mother, which also greatly impacted on her eldest daughter's life, to now enjoying relationships of love & joy, she is dedicating her life to helping women love themselves so they can truly love others. With her Coaching, NLP, Theta Healing and Hypnotherapy skills Louise makes a heartfelt connection with all of the ladies she works with making transformation inevitable.

Louise has a particular speciality with the mother-daughter relationship - as it shapes your life being the most powerfully, intensive relationship you will ever have. Louise is giving women a future they once thought was impossible.

Everyone needs direction and the direction comes from a true, passionate, informed and caring coach. You‘ll surpass all your doubts and get fantastic results with Louise.

Judy R

I can honestly recommend Louise to anyone struggling with their weight or personal issues. She is a life changer!

Michelle B.

Louise is very dedicated, and she truly cares about her clients. She always has a way of eliciting the information needed to get to the root of the problem. I would highly recommend her to anyone who wants to live their best life.

Penny L


Get in touch with Louise:





My passion is to help people to enjoy their life as fully as possible on their own terms.

I help them to recognize their inherent genius, natural beauty and self worth. To recognize their life´s purpose and to reach their visions and goals.

I have restricted myself for decades so strongly that my life was more than exhausting. I had no time and no money for myself and my family.
I got up at 5 a.m. and fell dead tired into the bed after 11 p.m.
I weighed less than 50 kg and looked horrible.
I was there for everyone and everybody to help or to support. I was over totally exhausted and physically and emotionally at the end and was completely clueless how to get out.
But I was convinced that there must be more in life for me – only what could that be in my situation? And how do I reach this?

After I have announced to the universe: “Enough ​is​ enough – I can't go on any longer” information about consciousness technologies came to me.
I was giddy with excitement. Full with astonishment, joy, incredulity, hope – my emotions drove roller coaster.

Since then I cannot get enough of the informations and the knowledge. I continuously study and apply the won knowledge in my personal everyday life and every day I am feeling better and better. Now I live my life in abundance.

I am financially free, health wise in top form, I have time freedom. My relationship with my family is full of love and kindness. My friendships fulfill me.

I am a certificated USM coach and I am specialized to coach people, so that they can increase their mental and emotional well‐being and achieve their goals. I use my complete knowledge and wisdom.

The mantra of my life is:
I live my exceptional life to the fullest on my own terms.

Come with me and I support you on ​YOUR​ journey of transformation.

— Invest in yourself ‐ You are worth it -

Meine Passion ist es Menschen dabei zu helfen ihr Leben nach ihren eigenen Bedingungen und voller Lebensfreude voll und ganz zu genießen.

Ich helfe ihnen dabei ihre angeborene Genialität, Schönheit und ihren Selbstwert zu erkennen. Ihren Lebenszweck zu erkennen und ihre Visionen und Ziele zu erreichen.

Ich habe mich Jahrzehnte lang selbst so stark eingeschränkt, dass mein Leben mehr als anstrengend war. Ich hatte keine Zeit und kein Geld für mich und meine Familie.
Ich stand um 5 Uhr auf und fiel nach 23 Uhr todmüde ins Bett. Ich wog weniger als 50 kg und sahschrecklich aus.
Für alle und jeden war ich da um zu helfen oder zu unterstützen. Ich war total ausgelaugt und physisch und seelisch am Ende und wusste nicht mehr ein noch aus.
Aber ich war überzeugt, daß es noch mehr im Leben geben muss – nur was konnte das in meiner Situation sein? Und wie erreiche ich das?

Nachdem ich dem Universum verkündet habe: „Genug ist genug – ich kann nicht mehr“ kamen Informationen über Bewusstseins Technologien zu mir. Ich war ganz aus dem Häuschen. Voller Überraschung, Freude, Ungläubigkeit, Hoffnung – meine Emotionen fuhren Achterbahn.

Seitdem kann ich gar nicht genug bekommen von den Informationen und dem Wissen. Ich studiere immer weiter und wende das gewonnene Wissen in meinem persönlichen Alltag an und es geht mir mit jedem Tag besser.
Jetzt lebe ich mein Leben in Fülle. Ich bin finanziell unabhängig, bin gesundheitlich in Topform, habe freie Zeiteinteilung. Meine Beziehung mit meiner Familie ist voller Liebe und Güte. Meine Freundschaften erfüllen mich.

Ich bin zertifizierter USM Coach und habe mich darauf spezialisiert Menschen zu coachen, damit sie ihr mentales und emotionales Wohlergehen steigern und ihre Ziele erreichen. Dazu nutze ich mein gesamtes Wissen.

Mein Lebensmotto ist:
Ich lebe mein außergewöhnliches Leben in Fülle nach meinen eigenen Bedingungen

Komm mit mir und ich unterstütze Dich auf DEINER​ Reise der Transfomation

­ Investiere in Dich selbst denn Du bist es wert –

Mentally and physically I am in an excellent condition. I am balanced and feel a lot of joy in my current life. I have further developed myself, have grown with my challenges and have become more mindful towards my fellow human beings which in turn fulfills me with a lot of joy.

Mental und körperlich bin ich in einem ausgezeichneten Zustand, ich bin ausgeglichen und empfinde viel Freude an meinem jetzigen Leben. Ich habe mich weiterentwickelt, bin an meinen Herausforderungen gewachsen und meinen Mitmenschen gegenüber achtsamer geworden, was mich wiederum mit viel Freude erfüllt.

Klaus P.

I also find it very interesting how my thinking and the way looking at things has changed lately. I am even more connected with myself. Finally, I can stand up for myself and realize what an awesome human being I am.

Sehr interessant finde ich auch wie sich mein Denken und die Sicht auf viele Dinge geändert hat in der letzten Zeit. Ich bin viel mehr mit mir selber verbunden. Ich kann endlich für mich einstehen und sehen, dass ich ein toller Mensch bin.

Maria K.

I would like to thank you again heartily for the 3 session. I was surprised very positively at which level we had our communication. I had the feeling that you have "absorbed" the whole garbage and what remained was "ME". Although I have not got yet to do my exercises on a regular basis a lot has changed already positively. We have reached astonishing results with only 3 sessions.

Ich möchte mich nochmals herzlich für die 3 Sitzungen bedanken. Ich war sehr positiv überrascht auf welcher Ebene unsere Kommunikation ablief. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass du den ganzen Müll „absorbiert“ hast und übrig blieb „ich“. Obwohl ich es noch nicht auf die Reihe bekommen habe meine regelmäßige Übungen zu machen hat sich schon vieles positiv verändert. Wir haben mit nur 3 Sitzungen erstaunliche Resultate erreicht

Andreas T.

Ulrike’s honest and frank kind nature, her warmth and also her hearty, amusing and positive style to help people makes the work with her a very positive and pleasant experience. Her comprehensive knowledge and wisdom of life, combined with her miraculous humor and her readiness to never stop and to develop herself always further, to challenge herself and to search over and over again for new ways and to find solutions, make her a person with one not only warmly can laugh, but also can exchange about more serious issues which are always aligned at a solution level and have therefore a very own quality.

Ulrikes ehrliche und aufrichtige Art, ihre Wärme und auch ihre herzliche, lustige und positive Art und Weise Leuten zu helfen, macht die Zusammenarbeit mit ihr eine sehr positive und angenehme Erfahrung. Ihr breitgefächertes Wissen und Lebenserfahrung, gekoppelt mit ihrem wunderbaren Humor und ihre Bereitschaft nie stehen zu bleiben und sich weiterzuentwickeln, sich selbst herauszufordern und immer wieder neue Wege zu suchen und Lösungen zu finden, machen sie zu einem Menschen mit dem man nicht nur herzlich lachen kann, sondern sich auch über ernstere Themen austauschen kann, die immer auch auf Lösungsebene ausgerichtet sind und von daher eine sehr eigene Qualität haben.

Sonny P.


Get in touch with Ulrike:


+49 6243 9061555




Lisa Petr helps people realize their passions and find their soul purpose, so they can manifest their dreams and live a happy and joyful life. She is a self-taught LOA student/guide who has taken hundreds of webinars, so she understands many modalities and can help many types of people. Lisa completed the Ultimate Success Master Class (USM) and she is a certified USM Coaching Instructor and the Coach for Mind Movies.

She uses Energy Medicine, EFT Tapping, guided meditations and exercises to help students recognize and release self-limiting beliefs, release past stories, find forgiveness for old belief systems and how to love and believe in themselves. She helps people move their thoughts from sub-conscious to conscious so they can begin to make conscious decisions about their life path and goals and live in awareness.

She started out as a depressed, unhappy, lost soul who opened her mind and heart to the Universe and said I Don’t Know how to do this and asked for help. She has healed all 8 of her food allergies though positive thinking and joy! She believes life is a learning auditorium, where we can learn to manifest anything we want and live our dream lives now! She helps people find joy and happiness in their lives and make lasting, amazing shifts that help them reach their dreams!

Lisa has an amazing understanding of the Law of Attraction, how to connect to the Universe, EFT, energy medicine, forgiveness, self-limiting beliefs and so much more.

She works today with people from any walk of life, helping them to find their inner truth, power, and path to happiness and abundance.

Thank you for helping me today! The encouragement was so amazing!!!


My deepest gratitude to you for your generosity. Your unique brilliance is dazzling.


Thank you so much for inspiring me and being amazing and authentic!


I’m so blessed that the Universe brought me to you! Already, I feel calmer and less panicked.


This one call has been a great positive impact to me.



Get in touch with Lisa:
