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3 Easy Steps To Bounce Back From Any Adversity

When you get knocked down in life… what do you do?

Do you have the ability to use adversity as catalyst for profound transformation?

Or do you get stuck in regret, pain and anger?

Oftentimes, staying positive in tough situations may be one the most challenging things a human can do. 

However, when we’re able to move on from the past AND learn from it, we can evolve on an emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual level.

If you’re going through a tough time in your life, and you’d like to learn how to quickly overcome adversity… 

Then I’d like to share with you 3 powerful tips from my good friend and transformational coach Sonia Ricotti, that will help you bounce back from whatever challenges you may be facing right now.

In case you’ve never heard of her before, besides being a very dear friend and an amazing human being, Sonia’s also a #1 bestselling author, and a master motivational speaker. 

Sonia’s own personal story is pretty fascinating - she is no stranger to adversity!

So, without further ado, here are her 3 easy steps for bouncing back in a super BIG way:

Step 1. Reprogram your conscious mind.

When you’re going through a difficult time in your life and you feel sad, depressed or frustrated, you also have an associated thought with those feelings.

Often, we believe we have these feelings because of something that’s going on in our lives, but this is not true - it’s always the thought that produces the feeling.

If you’re not feeling good, ask yourself “What am I thinking right now?” Because it’s the story you’re telling yourself (about the situation) that is actually causing you to feel the way you do.

A famous inspirational quote by Peter McWilliams states:

Peter McWilliams Quote

Make an effort to become aware of your thoughts… and once you do this, you will have already stepped out of your situation and will now hold the power to shift it whichever way you want. 

Step 2. Reprogram your subconscious mind.

You don’t manifest what you want, you manifest what you BELIEVE. If you’re going through financial struggles and you say you want to make a million dollars, but actually have limiting beliefs around money, it will be very difficult for you to attract wealth.

You need to uncover your limiting beliefs in every area of your life in order to elevate your vibrational state so you can attract positive things, which leads me to Sonia’s 3rd step…

Step 3. Elevate your vibration to a super high level.

The Law of Attraction says that whatever energy you’re putting out into the world is what you’ll be attracting back into your own life. 

If you’re feeling shame, guilt, anger or regret, you’re vibrating at a very low level and therefore, your chances of attracting positive things into your life are also low. 

But if you’re in a state of love, joy, peace and gratitude, you’ll be attracting amazing things into your life.

Whenever you’re in this positive state, remember to seize the moment! Express gratitude, share a smile or a kind word, and let yourself feel the positive emotions.

So the question is… how do you get yourself into this state of positive vibration?

Well, meditating and journaling are both excellent ways to get you started, but mastering the first 2 steps above will get you vibrating at a higher state right away!

As soon as you do this, you’ll be manifesting an incredible life for yourself (and those around you) as new ideas and bigger opportunities start knocking on your door. 

Now listen closely, if you’re truly serious about mastering these 3 steps in record time to achieve great rapid success, then I have really amazing news for you…

I am hosting a FREE online workshop where I’ll be guiding you through powerful exercises and techniques to uncover subconscious blocks that are draining you from the motivation and clarity you desire.

Join me on this this workshop and open your eyes to what’s really holding you back!

Oh, and if you know of any other tips on how to bounce back big from adversities, please share them with our community in the box below :)

eliminate limiting beliefs

Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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