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5 Telltale Signs That Reveal You're Ready To Leave The Rat Race

Are you tired of working really hard just to survive?

Does your 9-to-5 job leave you wondering each day - 'Is this all there is to life'?

If so, then it might be a sign that you need to start looking for a different way to make a living.

But let's not jump to conclusions, let's find out where you stand...

Here are 5 telltale signs that will reveal if it's time to move on and try something new:

Sign 1. You don't enjoy your job anymore

Does starting a new project at work feel more like a burden than a great opportunity to get your creative juices flowing?

Do you give yourself pep talks every morning about why you need to 'hang in there' or 'wait for something better'?

If this sounds like you, then you're most likely burnt out and lacking motivation at your current workplace.

Sign 2. You're not a 'fit' anymore

You're not sure if it's YOU, your co-workers, or your lack of energy, but you just don't feel like you belong in that job anymore.

You stopped creating relationships and enjoying teamwork and you justify this by telling yourself 'I am better off being by myself'.

Sign 3. You never have time for yourself

You haven't met your deadlines at work, you feel exhausted and you're overwhelmed with your growing to-do list.

You find yourself wondering where the day went and why you're not getting things done on time.

You're starting to feel separated from your friends and family and this makes you resentful too.

Sign 4. You feel insecure

You worry that you'll lose your job or that someone else will get the promotion you've been waiting for.

You start to get competitive in an unhealthy way and this reflects in your performance.

Sign 5. You're stuck in the same position

You know you have all the skills and experience necessary to get that promotion, but you keep getting passed by again and again.

Now, if any of this sounds familiar, it be might be a good time for you to start getting clear on your goals and change the way you use your time so you can start doing the things you really enjoy doing.

The good news is that if you really pay attention, you'll see that you're surrounded by countless opportunities!

I have a fun and free gift for you before I go!

It’s a spookily accurate 30-second quiz that uncovers your #1 subconscious limiting belief that’s quietly sabotaging your success and abundance.

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Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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