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Are You Sabotaging Your Day Before It Even Begins?

Is your morning routine setting you up for success or sabotaging your day?

If the first thing you do when you wake up is reach for your phone, you might be unknowingly throwing your mind into overdrive.

Why? Well, because where you get your first dose of dopamine matters!

The moment you wake up, your brain is looking for its first hit of stimulation, and the source of that stimulation can shape the rest of your day.

If the first thing you do is grab your phone and start scrolling through social media, you’ll be constantly refreshing, checking notifications, and feeling restless without even realizing it.

And here's the thing, starting your day with social media doesn’t just make you restless, it also puts you in a mindset of comparison right from the get-go.

Instead of focusing on your own goals and well-being, you're immediately pulled into comparing your life to others.

Sound familiar?

Skipping through the important stages of waking up can also mess with your focus and productivity. You’re throwing your brain into overdrive before it even has a chance to wake up properly.

Here’s a better way to start your morning:

  • Wake up with an alarm clock instead of your phone. Keep your phone in another room overnight.

  • Create a morning routine that helps you stay away from your phone for as long as possible. Even if it’s just 20 minutes of refreshing shower & preparing your tea or coffee, these small moments of mindfulness allow your brain to wake up naturally.

  • Another great tip is to spend a few minutes journaling. Write down what you’re grateful for or set your intentions for the day. This simple practice can improve your mood and keep you focused on what matters most.

  • Try going outside for a quick breath of fresh air. The natural light and fresh air help your body and mind wake up, reducing grogginess and energizing you for the day ahead.

  • Start your day by hydrating. Drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up helps rehydrate your body, kick-starts your metabolism, and clears the mental fog, setting you up for a clearer, more focused mind.

  • Incorporate a few minutes of mindful breathing or meditation. Taking just 5 minutes to focus on your breath can reduce stress, improve concentration, and set a calm, centered tone for the day ahead.

When you delay that first dopamine hit from social media, you give yourself the chance to start your day with clarity, focus, and intention - setting the stage for better productivity, improved mood, and a healthier mindset.

And if you need more ideas or a better way to start your day, here you'll find a PDF with my Morning Rituals For Success.

It’s free and hopefully tomorrow you’ll use it to try something different and watch how it transforms the rest of your day.


Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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