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Beat Stress: 8 Reasons You're Making Your Stress Worse & How To Overcome it

As human beings, we have a tendency to self-sabotage from time to time. Whether it’s through constant overthinking, procrastination, or self-doubt, we can, unfortunately, start to cause ourselves unnecessary stress without even realizing it. And as you can imagine, with so much going on in the world right now, different stress factors may be showing up more and more for us.

That’s why finding a healthy routine for stress management is crucial in taking care of our mental health. So I’d like to share with you some things to look out for when it comes to stress symptoms, along with some stress relief tips you can use every day.

Woman Taking a Breather

So are you ready to reduce stress and get back to a high vibrational routine? Here are 8 surprising ways you could be making stress worse and ways to overcome them!

#1 – Anticipation of stress

What to look out for

Sometimes it’s the anticipation of stress that can ignite our stress triggers, keeping our mood at a very low energetic frequency. Pay attention to how you’re feeling every morning when you wake up, specifically your emotions. Do you look forward to the day? Or are you assuming the day is going to be stressful?

What we can do to overcome it

Incorporate a new morning gratitude practice. Starting your day with gratitude is a fantastic way to better set the tone for what’s to come, even if that still includes stressful circumstances like a big project or an important presentation. Shifting your mind toward the attitude of gratitude is going to allow you to take whatever comes your way with more ease and grace. So if that’s writing in your gratitude journal or reciting positive affirmations, make sure your day starts with welcoming positive vibes.

#2 – Lack of routine

What to look out for

If your days feel scattered and unorganized, or conversely, you’re struggling with what to do with your time, you may be unconsciously adding more stress and anxiety to your day.

What we can do to overcome it

There’s nothing wrong with going with the flow, but keeping a routine, especially for your workdays, is just what we need to stay on track and maintain a healthy mindset. Making use of a calendar or daily/weekly task list is a great way to set order and a sense of accomplishment in your life. And just like the tasks you know you need to get done – projects, meetings, etc. –  you can still make time for more leisure activities too. So to start, it’s about getting into a casual routine and sticking to it to then make it more of a healthy, everyday regimen. This is a great way to create a sense of balance and time management to dodge unnecessary stress.

#3 – Unkempt environment

What to look out for

Working in (or even waking up to) a messy or cluttered environment is actually one of those things that can subconsciously trigger stress. So be sure to pay attention to how well you keep organized, especially where you spend most of your time. Take a look around your space and determine if there is clear order or if things tend to pile up quickly.

What we can do to overcome it

Being surrounded by clutter can sometimes make you physically feel like the walls are closing in on you. When you release that clutter (both physically and emotionally), you are creating real space for yourself. You are granting yourself the necessary space to breathe. So tackling a messy workspace as soon as possible is really going to help free you from physical and mental clutter.

#4 – Negative self-talk

What to look out for

Do feelings of doubt in your own abilities get in the way of accomplishing tasks? Do you find that you’re telling yourself you are undeserving of what you want? Well, sometimes it’s our inner critic that is our biggest critic. When we’re hard on ourselves, sitting with those thoughts can be a challenging hurdle to overcome.

What we can do to overcome it

We should absolutely be listening to our inner voice, but making sure that inner voice is positive, and keeping you in a high vibrational state is key. When we’re too serious or too hard on ourselves to be perfect, we can derail our own success, while also creating unnecessary stress.

You can lighten your emotional load by first acknowledging your inner critic and then transforming those thoughts into a more neutral or positive perspective. It’s all about rewiring the story you want to tell. Shifting your focus to that of more positive thinking is the fastest way to rid yourself of unwanted stress. Lean into more self-acceptance and the ability to give yourself permission to be optimistic.

#5 – Too much mindless activity

What to look out for

When things get overwhelming, do you find yourself dodging responsibility? Or tuning out stress with mindless activities such as excessive TV consumption? We may rely on outside forces to keep ourselves in good spirits, but partaking in too much mindless activity or using things like alcohol to cope with life can sabotage our progress over time. As much as we think we may be dodging stress, mindless activity can actually be quietly adding to it.

What we can do to overcome it

Understanding the difference between relaxation for mental health versus mindless distraction is crucial. It’s important to be intentional with how we spend our time. When stress and overwhelm start to creep in, try to acknowledge your feelings and face them head-on. Instead of immediately pouring yourself a glass of wine or scrolling through social media when you feel stressed, make a conscious effort to stop and check-in with your feelings. Before you distract yourself, try to find a habit like journaling or calling a friend first to discuss what is stressing you out and why. This simple change in behavior can make a huge difference in your overall stress levels.

#6 – Procrastination

What to look out for

This is a big one because many of us are guilty of procrastinating, especially when the going gets tough. If you find yourself putting off tasks (even the easy ones) until later, pay attention to how often this happens.

What we can do to overcome it

The key here is accountability. We must hold ourselves accountable to achieve our goals. It may sound a bit cliché, but when we continue to stall, this leaves room in our lives for stress to build up over time. Because by the time we are ready to face what we’ve been putting off, we may be faced with an urgent deadline causing the feelings of overwhelm and anxiety to worsen. Seek an accountability partner or mentor, set (and stick to) a schedule, and do your best to minimize outside distractions. Strategies like this will keep us mindful and intentional in our actions, leaving little to no room for stress-related emotions.

#7 – Inability to accept uncertainty

What to look out for

Uncertainty can cause the kind of stress that makes us worry about any and everything possible. And with so much happening in the world, uncertainty is even more prevalent than ever. Fear of the unknown can be debilitating, so if you find yourself worrying more than normal, this could be a big sign that you need to release those sabotaging emotions.

What we can do to overcome it

Mindfulness plays a tremendous role in overcoming uncertainty. When we can retune our thoughts to finding the good or silver lining in troubling situations, we instantly create a safe space for ourselves, putting our minds and bodies at ease. First, list out your fears and concerns on paper and practice changing your thoughts towards a situation from negative to positive. For example, if you find yourself thinking “I’m scared I’ll lose my job this year”, try replacing that statement with something like “I feel confident and excited for the upcoming opportunities in my professional life”. By putting your thoughts on paper, and changing the feeling around the outcome, you can relieve a huge amount of mental stress. Another way to overcome fear around the unknown is through meditation. Meditation is my favorite tool to stay present, confident, and vibrating at a high frequency, regardless of external circumstances. We will always face some type of uncertainty in our lives, so having these kinds of tools to stop stress in its tracks can work wonders on our mental strength.

#8 – Taking on too much

What to look out for

Do you constantly feel the need to stay busy? Would you consider yourself a people pleaser? Do you have a hard time saying no, fearing what others will think?

What we can do to overcome it

As uncomfortable as it may seem to feel like you are letting others (or even yourself) down, saying no or setting better boundaries for yourself is a helpful way to make sure you aren’t mentally overexerting yourself. When we take on too much, our bodies may be able to handle it for a certain period of time, but our minds could be quietly suffering in the background. It’s important to listen to your body and your mind when you’re busy or have a lot going on. Give yourself permission to say no or take a break. This is actually an incredible way to relieve stress. Setting reminders to take breaks throughout the day or changing plans to give yourself space to unwind does wonders on mental health.

Our minds produce a thought over 70,000 times every single day, so it’s important to be mindful of the kind of thoughts we want lingering in our brains. Whether it’s self-doubt, uncertainty, or self-limiting beliefs, we’ve got to stay aware of the negative thoughts that can hold us back from our highest potential. So while you’re here, I’d like to offer you special access to our Limitless You Meditation Pack.

This bundle is filled with multi-sensory tools (and special bonuses) to keep your vibrations high and rid you of the internal blocks keeping you stuck in life. Stress doesn’t have to consume us, so snag your Limitless You bundle to rediscover your personal power right now.


Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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