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The Mind Movies Team Kisses 2017 Goodbye And Welcomes The New Year!

Thank you 2017, you've been amazing.

Mind Movies has been alive and kicking for well over a decade now - but we’re still blown away by the connections, experiences, and ripples in the Universe our movement causes on a daily basis.

We've had so much to be grateful for in 2017.

First, our trainings and technology have reached a milestone of over four million people worldwide!

Natalie Ledwell Speaking Event

Isn’t that just crazy? Proud, honored, and grateful doesn’t begin to cover the array of emotions we have felt contributing to improving the lives of people around the globe. 

Second, we've continued to develop a variety of new personal growth programs and technologies - like the Chakra Awakening System and The Unshakeable Success System - to name a couple.

We definitely have the community to thank for this, as each of these new programs and tools has been incredibly well-received. The positive feedback has been tremendous. 

It’s messages like these that inspire us to empower even more people through our work:  

“Thank you so much for creating this amazing space that blends technology and coaching and so much more. This is what I have always needed.” - Marie Sultana

“I really, truly feel and see the difference your courses have had on me and my life. Thank you for sharing and allowing us all the opportunity to partake in a life of abundance and living beyond our wildest dreams.”         - Maria Ainis

Whenever we receive these little thank you notes or letters of appreciation, we make sure to stick them right on our Gratitude Wall to remind us each day that we are making a difference!

The Mind Movies Gratitude Wall

Apart from that, we've also made some exciting progress in our brand new curriculum for school children, plus our revamp of New Gen Mind Movies - made exclusively for teens.

And we even closed out the year with an incredible holiday party to celebrate an extremely successful year - ‘work hard, play hard’ is our motto after all :-)

Mind Movies Holiday Party Picture

As we said, so much to be grateful for. And we have full faith in the Universe that the best is yet to come for this movement and everyone involved.

So What's Coming In 2018?

Well, we don't want to spoil anything just yet. But for now, we've recorded a video where a few of us share our resolutions for 2018 - both on a personal and a professional level. 

This should give you an idea of what to expect in the coming months ;-)

Want An Extra Dose Of Success And Abundance For Your 2018? Here's A Little Something You Might Like...

It’s called the Unshakeable Success System:


And in it, you’ll find a series of easy-to-use exercises and technologies for creating your most successful life! 

So whether you're feeling stuck, uninspired or self-destructive ~

Or if you secretly wish you could earn more, do more, and be more ~

Or even if you just feel there has to be more than this ~

Let us show you exactly how to create your most successful life, minus the resistance and struggle. And now that 2018 is right around the corner, there couldn't be a better time to step up, receive that success, and start your year stronger than ever!

Experience UNSHAKEABLE Success Now!

The Mind Movies Team is a group of passionate individuals dedicated to helping people from all over the world improve their lives. Teamed up with some of the most forward thinking people in our industry, everyone at Mind Movies has one common goal - helping people through the power of visualization and the Law of Attraction to materialize their dream life. And our team is here to help you transform those dreams into your reality. Because remember: your future starts today, not tomorrow.

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