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The ONE Daily Habit I Implemented To Manifest My First Million Dollars

One of my BEST secrets to achieving goals fast is:

Staying in action.

You see, many people believe that to be successful with their goals, they have to constantly take big sweeping actions.

But this couldn't be further from the truth.

Tyler Cowen, a brilliant academic, economist and writer, points out an important shift in our world today:

“Information and resources isn’t what’s scarce; it’s the willingness to do something with them.”

And it’s true. Thanks to the internet, most of us have access to pretty much all the information and resources in the world.

That’s why my personal philosophy is:

“Take one action each day, no matter how big or small, toward achieving your goal.”

Now, when I say big or small, I really do mean it.

Once you've decided what it is that you intend to manifest in your life, and you've set a clear goal for yourself around that intention, the next step is to CONSISTENTLY focus your energy on achieving this goal.

The best way to do this is to take at least one action each day toward that goal - whether it's making a phone call, spending a few minutes to visualize yourself achieving your goal, or maybe even investing a big chunk of time or money. 

When you do this, you send a clear signal to the Universe that you are committed to manifesting the outcome you desire…

… and the Universe responds in kind by delivering to you the people and resources you need to continue further along your path to success.

Taking consistent action each day, big or small, is one of the most critical pieces to the success puzzle!

But what stops most people from doing this is the fear that taking the WRONG action may lead to the WRONG results.

The fact is that there are no "wrong results" in life - there are only lessons learned that will help you to create better results in the future!

Take one of my past businesses for example, a coffee shop franchise I owned several years ago. 

I had a goal in mind, and that was to achieve total time and money freedom, and I dove into this business head first without knowing much about it, thinking that it would get me there.

Because I was so committed to reaching my end goal, I took action every single day to try and make this business a success...

But unfortunately, it turned out that it didn't give me the type of income or freedom I was aiming for, so I eventually sold it.

Some people might look at my decision to go into that business and say, "Natalie, that was mistake."

But it wasn't.

You see, even when things began to look like they were going to go belly up, I stayed focused on my end goal and remained in action.

As a result, I learned valuable lessons that helped me better prepare for my next entrepreneurial endeavor, which the Universe presented to me soon afterwards and turned out to be a smash success.

Today, I still take one small action, no matter how big or small, toward my goals to show the Universe that I'm committed to what I want to create for myself and for others.

So my question for you today is this:

What single action, big or small, will you take today towards achieving one of your goals?

And before you go, if you’d like to make sure there’s not something silently blocking your success, make sure to take our free 30-second quiz that reveals your No.1 Success Blocker. It’s crazily accurate, and will help you feel more in alignment with your goals so you can create the life you desire!

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Natalie Ledwell is a best selling author, speaker and successful entrepreneur. She's passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through her personal development programs and her online TV show, The Inspiration Show.

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