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Enlightening Wisdom For An Abundant, Joyful & Love-Filled Life

coffee and chocolate

Coffee & Chocolate - The Health Facts You Need To Know

Ahh chocolate and coffee - a classic combo! Now if you’re like many people out there, I’...

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Boost your confidence

6 Ways To Build Confidence

No matter how confident you feel at times, everyone can experience doubts and insecurities in certain situations. We all need ...

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5 tips for healthy relationships

Crucial Tips For A Healthy Relationship

Theodore Roosevelt once said, “The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get ...

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piece of advice

10 Life Tips I'd Tell My Younger Self (That Could Save You Time & Worry)

Do you ever wish you could go back in time and do things differently? How about the advice of a ...

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vacation tips

5 Ways To Avoid Getting Sick On Vacations

Picture this: you’ve been planning a leisure vacation for months and the day has finally arrived! You’...

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successful entrepreneurship

7 Core Principles For Successful Entrepreneurship

Winston Churchill once said: “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” True to ...

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couples laughing

Online Dating: 4 Ways To Stay Spiritual

Have you ever been on a date with someone and felt like you were counting down the minutes until it ...

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5 universal chakras

Discover How To Tap Into Your 5 Universal Chakras

If you’re interested in energy healing, then you might agree that we give most of our attention to ...

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bounce back after set back

7 Ways To Bounce Back After A Setback

Even the most successful and famous people in the world face failure and setbacks. Everyone has had to figure out ...

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mindfulness affirmations

Tired Of Living On Autopilot? Create A Life of Purpose With These 10 Mindfulness Affirmations!

Do you ever feel like you’re going through your days on autopilot? Are you just waiting for your ...

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life is a rubik's cube

My Life Is A Rubik's Cube: Part 6

Does the Universe really say “NO” to us? Sure, sometimes things don’t always work out as ...

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productivity in the workplace

7 Strategies To Master Productivity In The Workplace

Being productive - in what sometimes seems a mundane routine -doesn’t always come naturally or easily. And that&...

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