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Enlightening Wisdom For An Abundant, Joyful & Love-Filled Life

Healthy Foods to Heal your Chakras

These Energizing Foods Will Make Your 7 Chakras Heal & Glow With Positive Power

Do you sometimes find yourself feeling unmotivated, tired, emotional, or just out of balance? Well, this could be a sign ...

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lady meditating in nature

Look and Feel Younger With The Same At-Home Exercise Tibetans Have Used For Over 2,500 Years

If you’re tired of trying all the latest fads to look and feel younger, and you want a ...

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Labor Day Weekend

A Message From Natalie: Tips to Unwind, Relax, and Rejuvenate on Labor Day!

Labor Day is all about taking a break from the regular grind and celebrating your hard work, dedication, and contribution ...

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dreaming of travel

Activating Your Ideal Vision for a Life You Love: 5 Steps to Living Your Dreams

Wherever you are in your journey of life, you’ve likely been in a situation where you craved more. ...

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woman kayaking

6 Proven Self-Motivation Techniques (To Reach Any Goal)

Is 2017 flying right past you? Do you feel like you’re still striving to accomplish your goals and aspirations, ...

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Time Off Vs. Free Time: The Importance of Taking a 'Free Day'

We all need time off from work to recharge our batteries and dedicate time to other important aspects of our ...

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travel Cinque Terre

15 Insider Tips to Travel Like a Jet Setter on a Budget

Do you dream of jumping on a plane to an exotic location around the world, but you feel limited by ...

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6 Realizations Every Single Parent Should Have For A Successful, Happy & Wealthy Mindset

Being a single parent comes with its own set of challenges. But what if there is a way to turn ...

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4 Ways to Practice Mindfulness in Your Daily Life

Are you an expert meditator or just a beginner? Either way, meditation is founded on a few core principles that ...

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Tired of Waiting? Here's How To Effectively Use The LOA To Manifest Your Dreams

Whatever you’re desiring in life - a new car, a soul mate, more abundance - can be achieved ...

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unique date

Dinner & A Movie? Try One Of These 13 Dreamy Date Night Ideas Instead

Is your relationship stuck in a rut? Do you feel uninspired doing the same things together, week in and week ...

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Loving Universe, Loving Relationships: 6 Steps to Relating Magic

Do you ever notice that when you’re in a good mood, your connections with others seem to be ...

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